Sunday, November 22, 2009

Creating a Slideshow...and Everyone Gets to Help?

We received a number of comments wondering how the slideshow sharing feature works. Here's the Step by Step instructions.

1. The first step is to login or create an account (Name, Email, Password).

2. Next, add your photos, videos, and music & edit the slideshow. A timeline will show, which looks a lot like Windows Movie Maker. The upload screen will look like this:

3. After adding your media and editing the show (transitions, etc), you must Save it. This is important as you may lose the changes if you don't.

Now Comes the Fun Part!

4. Click the Email Slideshow button to send a copy to your friends or family, inviting them to add their photos and videos and music. You will be asked to give your name, their name, and their email address. This will be used to personalize the email we send to them on your behalf. The email they receive will look something like this:

5. When they edit the copy and Save, this becomes their original to send to whomever they want. They can send a copy back to you for further editing, or email to whomever they want....just like you did.

6. When you are satisfied with all the edits: 1) Email it to everyone; 2) Bookmark it; AND 3) Post to your favorite social sites....FREE! Just click on the relevant links.

For those who sign on as Fans of Memories Alive,, we will do something fun and make a slideshow together. Real Soon!

Friday, November 13, 2009

My Lost Blackberry

It happened just like this:

For lunch yesterday I decided to brave the elements and go out. Had a craving for Sushi which meant I would have to do some walking in the rain/wind storm. And it was during the walk that Mr. Blackberry and I became separated.

For several days now it has rained here in Virginia.
This is a combination of the remnants of hurricane Ida
and a passing Nor'easter.
I made it to the restaurant OK, although a little wet and cold from the driving rain. Lunch was great. I even managed to tweet about the experience while there. It was after lunch that I lost my blackberry.

While crossing a busy intersection, a gust of wind blew the raincoat around my head. I became significantly disoriented...and Yes, it wrapped around my head. I managed to get it off and hastily exited the intersection towards the nearest shelter. After composing myself, I realized my phone was missing from the holster.

Back out in the wind and rain I go, retracing my steps. And guess where I found it? In the middle of the intersection where I was attacked by the raincoat. Sitting in a pool of water. And that's not all. It had also been struck one or more times by a passing evidenced by the many new scars.

POOR Blackberry. RIP!